Is Your Online Freedom Really Free?


When you go through heavy things in your life, you wonder if you’ll ever be able to “get back to you”. Get back to having belly laughs, listening more than thinking, and enjoying simple pleasures. You feel so removed from yourself that you watch others from afar and ponder “I wonder what makes them so happy?”

When I was going through my late 20’s life crisis all I remember thinking was. I ruined everything to create this business, and now this business is ruining me…

A lot of us are unaware of how quickly you can get swallowed in the online entrepreneur world. Swallowed into a world that preaches more, that it’s never enough and that happiness lies in your next biggest month.

In the dark of the night, when the computer is closed, the clients are asleep and it’s just you… are you satisfied with your life? Are you just as proud of the other aspects of your life? Your love life, your friendships, your spirituality, your health?

I asked myself the same question too… the answer was not pretty. So I went into my cocoon and began to understand myself better. Delete. Delete. Delete. All the apps went off my phone like wildfire. Who am I trying to prove myself to? What is my definition of love? Does anyone actually care? Am I really happy? Is this online freedom actually free at all? 

The more I dug for answers in books the more I learned that true freedom was having the courage to be disliked by others. It was having the bravery to live a life that others never saw for me. Even if that meant shedding parts of me that were other’s favourite part of me. It meant shutting down profit to find a passion. “Your unhappiness cannot be blamed on your past or your environment. And it isn’t that you lack competence. You just lack courage. One might say you are lacking in the courage to be happy.” ― Ichiro Kishimi, The Courage to Be Disliked

I have evolved immensely as a person which has changed my mentorship too. When I first came back online, I wondered if anyone would jive with my minimal, simplistic lifestyle. I wondered if others would resonate with the softer sides of me. However, I felt so at peace I didn’t care what happened. I let the universe guide me without a plan. What happened after my beautiful awakening was I began to attract soulmate clients. Clients that wanted the same things I was preaching. A simple, yet efficient life. A business that was bold but didn't overpower them. Business owners who wanted to be intentional.

Tonight, I just wanted to drop a small note of how grateful I am to work with the incredible souls who are in my private mentorship. This blog post was inspired by the tough conversations we continue to have. The container I am so blessed to share with you. I feel so honored to be your mentor.

Build a manageable business to live a life you love.

Morgs Eliz