Why I Don't Work With Everyone, And Neither Should You

Why I Don't Work With Everyone, And Neither Should You

This is not a polarizing post, but an honest post from my heart. I don’t work with the majority of people who apply for my private mentorhsip, and neither should you.  Not every lead is going to be your right fit, and taking on someone who you deep down know will not benefit from your unique skills is going to cause you a very big headache. The perfect fit will be unconditional trust, unconditional alignment, and unconditional honesty from both sides. The perfect fit will feel like adding baking soda and vinegar together. A perfect explosion of your wisdom/strategies with their problems/bottlenecks.

Private mentorship is very personal to me and I only offer this service because I still believe in this industry. More so, I believe in the woman/man who is trying to break through $300,000, $500,000 milestones. I was very lost at these two milestones, but I did what most people do… sign up for a 7-figure mastermind and my heart became lost even more. (Again, nonody’s fault but my own, it was still a great mastermind) As I grew my business, life got more and more chaotic, my life buckets started shrinking and my self-worth became dependent on my business. When it was good, I was ecstatic. When it was bad, I was terrible. Nobody was there to shake me up, so I lost myself in my business and I didn’t know how to get out. I became hard, very disciplined, and completely out of alignment with who I am.

That’s the very moment I decided to surrender everything. I had to help myself before I helped anyone else again. I learned to detach myself from outcomes and truly live free from expectations. I built my life buckets up and up. Family, spirituality, friendships, investments, and health all started to rise. I found myself happier than ever. My business felt more professional and stable. I was in alignment. My private mentorship has become a perfect blend of my masculine and feminine. I love helping my clients with strategy, branding, lead generation, and automation. But I also love holding space to talk about deep memories that hold us back from our highest potential and helping them find love outside of transactions and staff meetings. It really is a divine blend. Finding my right fit is not as easy as it was back in the day. I am picky, and you should be too. But when you find that alignment, it is magical, you get re-signs and everything works in your favor.

If you want to apply for private mentorship, the first step is filling out an application. Don’t be scared to apply, I will always hook you up with a referral if it’s not us.

XX Morgs