Preparing for Motherhood as an Entrepreneur | Babies and Business


The other day I got a DM that asked me what I did to prepare for maternity leave as an entrepreneur. I loved this question so much that I thought I would write a blog about it. I hope to help and give my best advice because know the transition can be daunting. 

Remember, every mother's journey is her own. It's perfectly normal for your heart to sway and shift a hundred times in what feels right for you and your family. I've learned this firsthand, and my path may evolve if I'm blessed with another child. The reflections shared here stem solely from my personal experience, and I hope they resonate with some of you.

Step 1: Envision Your Dream Maternity Leave

Your maternity leave may look different than other people around you and that is okay :) Every family does what is best for their situation. I would start with some simple journaling prompts to get you thinking about what your maternity leave will look like.

  1. What does my ideal maternity leave look like in terms of duration and flexibility?

  2. What mindset or attitude do I want to bring into my maternity leave to make it as fulfilling and memorable as possible?

  3. How do I envision the transition back into work after maternity leave? What steps can I take now to prepare for it?

Step 2: Awareness Around Finances

Personally, I wanted to be very prepared and keep things as easy-going as possible during my first year with my daughter. Would I deal with postpartum depression? What would birth be like? Would I be in the NICU? It was a big unknown, so I decided to gear up for this major year in my life. For me, it meant setting up a fund that could cover a whole year, no matter if I jumped back into work early (which, by the way, I totally did). I got out my trusty Excel sheets, sifted through my household expenses, and nixed any unnecessary. Once I had a good grasp on what it costs to keep the household running, I could set a savings goal to work towards.

Just a reminder, if you're in this solo or with a partner, your approach might change depending on your unique situation. So, no pressure. Do what is best for your family. That could mean 1 month, 3 months, or never going back to work at all!

Step 3: Create Offers for a Stress-Free Maternity Leave

The fun part is deciding what you want offers you want to create! Prior to my pregnancy, I had the privilege of mentoring a few moms who aspired to secure savings for their maternity leave. Guiding them through the process of launching their offerings was immensely fulfilling. I got to witness their programs sell out and know that my clients were well-prepared for a stress-free maternity leave.

Step 4: Reduce Business Overhead and Automate

Like I said before, my plan was to be off work for one year. That meant I wanted to pause or cancel all premium subscriptions. Of course, things like my website would still run but most things I let go of. That helped the sting of expenses coming out every month. The second thing I did was automate the best I could. I focused on this basic question… "Do my potential leads know where to find me and how to purchase my offers?" I was determined to ensure that the 'communication chain' didn't rely on social media, sparing me the need to constantly check my DMs. Instead, I directed all potential clients to an application equipped with various automation for follow-ups and scheduling calls.

Step 5: Wrapping Up Projects

With my private clients, I made sure to sign on my final clients 4 months before my due date. If you're running a different business, it could mean finishing up big projects and scheduling important meetings well ahead of your due date. This will ensure you can blissfully enjoy your final moments with your bundle of joy in you. I will admit, I loved working up until the last week as it helped me manage the anticipation of meeting my sweet daughter.

Step 6: Be Realistic and Be Easy On Yourself

You might not get to everything you want to before the baby arrives and that is okay. You also might have a very different maternity leave than you planned for. Having a child is such a beautiful experience but it is not short of its challenges. My therapist told me embarking on parenthood necessitates a constant encounter with unfamiliar experiences. This can place both your body and mind in a state of heightened alert, similar to the fight-or-flight response, as a new parent. So always be gentle with yourself as you journey through maternity leave and recognize that you are giving your absolute best to your family.

I hope these 6 steps help you plan for your future bundle of joy and congratulations on the beautiful adventure that lies ahead. It has been the best experience of my life so far. ♥️


Morgs Eliz