5 Lessons I Learned From Entrepreneurship (so far…)


I wanted to make this list of 100 lessons I learned from entrepreneurship but I thought I should start with just 5. 

Lesson #1: Get Ready To Be Alone

Entrepreneurship is lonely. I’m not just talking about the long coffee shop hours in the beginning. Expect to be alone in your head the majority of the time. Expect to solve problems you never knew you had to solve. 

Hopefully, you have a really awesome mom/dad/spouse who will let you blabber on about topics they have no idea you’re talking about just to get your braindump out. But even if you do, road bumps will come up that make you want to pull your hair out and yell “How on earth do I solve this”. 

However, never doubt how resourceful you are. Your answers are within you or your community. Utilize both before Google.

Lesson #2 Focus On Less

Spreading your attention on too many projects is causing your work to suffer. In order to stand out, you must eliminate all non-important things. Once you feel like you have eliminated enough, you eliminate some more. This will help you separate yourself from the heard. 

Many entrepreneurs create one product and then jump straight into another. However, what this is doing is crowding industries with C+ products. What ends up happening is your product doesn't stand out instead it just fits in. If you want to stand out as an A+ product you must focus all your energy on that one thing.

Olympic athletes are where they are because they focus all their energy on their craft.

Take the same mindset for your business. 

Start by practicing implementing small iterations daily on your main product. Eventually, you become extremely confident in what you have to offer to the world. Sales become easier and so does influence.

Lesson #3 Your Expertise Is Not The Most Important Thing

Your schooling, qualifications, and skills are important but don’t think it’s the only thing you can rely on to get your business up and running successfully.

I’ve had many conversations with entrepreneurs who are frustrated or fed up with others who are “less qualified” soaring past them. 

Have you ever experienced being side by side with a friend chasing the same goal and one just takes off? Chances are that one friend is not just focused on making their craft better but looking at business as a whole. You must pay attention to the entire atmosphere of your business. Yes, you are great at what you do, but if you’re not good at making sales, social media/online strategy you will never have the chance to put your skills to work.

If you’re clueless about marketing or sales, I’d highly suggest you educate yourself on that first before taking up another course to spruce up your already amazing skills.

Lesson #4 Don’t Talk Shit & Be Humble

Probably the most important one I drill into my private clients. When I first became an entrepreneur I thought I had all the answers. I thought I was going to be the groundbreaking leader to change the entire game. Boy was I wrong. 

Wash your mouth out, because you have no right to judge the way someone else is working their business without knowing the whole story. And if you are sitting there wondering about the whole story, you’re already utilizing your time wrong. Focus on your own shit.

I quickly realized judging someone has less to do about them and more to do about me. So I shut my mouth, stayed in my lane, and worked on my own business. 

You will not build a business from gossip and calling friends to chat about other entrepreneurs and their shortcomings. It is a waste of time. Surround yourself with others who talk about visions, big ideas, and not other people.

Your fuck up will come anyways ;)

Lesson #5 Admit Your Mistakes

I have made many mistakes in my career. I will continue to make them as mistakes are my teacher. They have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. 

A lot of people get so hung up on the fear of making mistakes, but this is the enemy of growth. Somersault, trip, fall your way through life.

My advice? Embrace failure and then choose to fail faster. 💛


Morgs Eliz