30 Ways to Find Clients Online In 2023

Update: I am updating this title for 2023… as these are still relevant. (July 3rd, 2023)


Hitting a dry spell in your client acquisition? You are not alone. It can be easy to feel like you’ve tried it all and exhausted your creativity... but the bottom line is getting new leads is all about visibility

So, I’m giving you 30 STRATEGIES to find new clients online. I hope these ideas shed some light on unique approaches to gaining a client base entirely online. Let this ignite a fire inside you!! Here we go:

  1. Relevant Name Drop DM: Find someone that is relevant between you and the person you are DMing to start the conversation. Having a mutual friend helps to link trust. An immediate contact will establish confidence in you and your offer, and can open up the door for an even deeper connection.

  2. Create Infographics That Really Help: Keep on-trend. You have to stand out to bring the user in. Then you have to work to keep them engaged on your profile. By using infographics that are more than one page, you will keep the user engaged, active, and intrigued. Give smaller amounts of information spread across many different slides on IG to increase visibility, clarity, and engagement.

  3. Invite Only Loom Videos: Sending private Looms is a great way to give a lot of information in a more personal way. People who are spending a large amount of money on your service want to feel like they know you. By reaching out to a group of people and giving them a personalized video, they are more inclined to trust you and feel like you care about them on a deeper level. Follow up and you will see positive feedback.

  4. Positive Response DMs: If you get any sort of positive response or reaction to what you’ve posted, take that as a chance to connect further. Send a free PDF, training video, reel, etc. Re-use older content to keep this user engaged and show them what you’ve got!

  5. Five Day IGTV Challenge: Free things you put will define people’s first impression of you. This is what brings them in and will get them to actually purchase what you have to offer. Doing a challenge is a great way to get people to really see who you are. Formulate the challenge so the viewers see minor results. Doing this will guarantee that at the end of the five days, they will want more of whatever you’re offering.

  6. Magic Video DM: Record a quick video of yourself after a big event that you do. Maybe you don’t have time to reach out to every person that was involved personally, but what you can do is send a pre-recorded video DM to them thanking them for being involved and invite them to check out what else you have coming up next. This will save you time but still allow you to connect in a personal way.

  7. Social Flirting: People love to be complimented. Create real relationships by engaging people and making them feel good about themselves. Try to move away from what YOU need to post about or talk about and instead think: what does this person need from me? How can I make them feel good about themselves? This will show people that you care about them and their growth.

  8. Free Resources: Sharing free PDFs, tutorials, recipes, workouts, business tips – WHATEVER your niche is, make sure you are sharing small tips and tricks for free. By doing this, you will get beneficial feedback into what your audience really wants from you. This will give you direction into what is the most profitable thing for you to produce and lean into.

  9. Webinar: Do not be afraid of webinars! They are extremely beneficial. Being visible is the most important key to your success. Don’t let the fear of minimal software knowledge get in the way of your visibility. Use any platform you know how to use whether that is Instagram, Zoom, Skype… Whatever it is, get yourself out there. It doesn’t matter the number of people that show up, it only takes one person to make a strong connection and spread the word. Each person is a potential lead.

  10. Host a ClubHouse Call: This is a super cool new app that allows you to host and join audio conversations with other users. It is currently invite-only but will be opening up for anyone to join very soon. It’s going to be the next big platform so make sure you get into it while it's up and coming!

  11. Do A Live Call with a Past Client: A great way to get more clients is to show them testimonials, and chatting with a past client on a live call is the most raw version of testimonial you can get. It will show potential new clients how well your service has worked, and highlight that you build relationships for the long term! Ask questions like: Where were you before my service? What was your biggest win with my service? Where were you after my service? This will show future clients that they can have the same outcome. People relate to stories. Utilize this connection.

  12. Host a Q&A Session: Live Q&As are awesome to show people you know what you’re talking about! If you are just starting out and you’re worried people won’t be asking you enough questions, find your own questions to answer! Google the top 10 questions people have in your field and answer them. Remember: if you don’t have a stage, create your own. You don’t need permission.

  13. Mini Training Highlight: Highlight some small, juicy training tips on your profile. People love to have visuals to help them understand a specific concept. Having this pinned to the top of your profile will draw them in, and leave them with more information than they came in with.

  14. Facebook Groups: These will always be a great way to support the community and find new clients. You can either go in and add a bunch of free value, or if you are not the host of the group, go the extra mile and offer your expertise in the comments. Lend a helping hand and answer some questions that people are having. I promise you that they will remember this act of kindness and look to you for guidance in the future.

  15. Organize Your Own Workshop: Make a fun and personal workshop! Send it out on an email blast to your list. Invite everyone! Get visible. Get loud. Repeat yourself. Don’t be afraid of showing up and reminding people that you are passionate about what you are selling.

  16. Guest Podcasting: Look to collaborate with podcasts! Get your name out there. Make it known that you want to collaborate with people and that you would love to come on and talk about your service. Chances are that they would love to have you, too.

  17. Joint Venture: Collaborate with people! Find people you have similar interests with. Collaborate with past clients. Just make sure you’re both on the same page about what you’re talking about and you aren’t contradicting one another.

  18. Referrals: Give incentives for people to refer their friends! Make deals and benefits for people to refer others that they know. Giving 25% off and up will have people working for you. Commissions and freebies for referrals will show results.

  19. Upsell Existing Clients: Take a break from client acquisition and focus on keeping current clients. Sometimes this is even better than getting a new client. It is easier to continue to build on your relationship when you already have established that trust and rapport.

  20. Getting Clear on Your Offer: Be extremely thorough in what you are offering. Clients can be missed because they are confused. Lay out the steps for them. Make it easy for them to understand what they will be getting from your service. Same goes for payments and payment plans: make it simple, efficient, and clear.

  21. Free Course: Giving away a free course is an excellent way to get more clients. Using a service like Kajabi or Teachable is an awesome way to have a drip course available that funnels clients into a course upsell or free call if you’re only offering private coaching.

  22. Podcast: Getting your name out there through a podcast is an excellent way to add value, get your name out there, and not have to put on makeup every day for video. Make sure to not get stuck in perfectionism. People just want to hear from an authentic person, and have real advice. Even if you just start with your airpods. Something is better than nothing.

  23. Find Clients in Public Spaces: Work somewhere with people around! You can attract people in public places through mutual interests and this will spark conversations and relationships.

  24. Case Studies: I honestly could do a whole blog on the different ways you can show your successful case studies, which can spark people’s interest in your work. Some examples include: an IGTV with a recording from one past client; a montage with testimonials from multiple clients; going live with a past client to chat about their successes during/after working with you; a dedicated Highlight on your IG featuring past results.

  25. Have a Website: When it is the right time for you, invest in a website. You don’t need one right away but when you’re consistently making enough income, this will demonstrate authority and attract clients, plus it becomes another hub to host all your free content.

  26. Have a Blog on Your Website: Blog on Medium as well! Figure out what your content distribution strategy is. One piece of content can be spread out into various different things. Use your content pieces to their utmost ability. Turn your emails in to blog posts, your blog posts into Instagram reels, your reels into live Q&As, and keep this going.

  27. Training Tuesday: Stay consistent and offer small training sessions once a week. People will remember to check in with a catchy title like Training Tuesday or…

  28. Whiteboard Wednesday: Do weekly demonstrations! Whiteboard Wednesdays will be catchy and powerful for those visual learners.

  29. Free Webinar Friday: Again, another quick and easy weekly reminder to check in with you and pick up some tips for free. If you consistently remind people of this, they will be tuning in every single week.

  30. Strategy Calls: Have 15-minute free strategy calls. Not sales calls! Showing people the value in a quick 15-minute call will make them realize the value in your actual service. Making the most out of a goal-setting chat will emphasize the wealth of your knowledge and the value of your experience.

So there you have it! Thirty simple ways to acquire new clients online. Remember that you have to stay consistent with these tools. You won’t see results overnight, but I guarantee you that if you keep with it and stay consistent with these approaches, you will attract followers and clients that will stick around for the long run. 

Got a question about one of these points? Get in touch and let’s chat!